Eurocentric id and entity

I’d like to linger on the following sentence from Aníbal Quijano’s “Coloniality of Power, Eurocentrism, and Latin America”: Thinking through this id-entity, then: Europe constitutes the id—the Freudian understanding of unconscious drives and instinctual forces—of coloniality. European coloniality is its own personality, its own agential entity governed by the “natural” and “given” laws of the […]

whose footprints are on the American constitution?

As I begin reading Achille Mbembe’s Necropolitics, I stop after reading the Lamba proverb from Zambia he uses to begin the essay: “Wa syo’ lukasa pebwe Umwime wa pita” I make an anatomical link with the essay by Aníbal Quijano’s essay, Coloniality of Power, Eurocentricism, and Latin America and I remember the two most powerful […]

Atravessar o trauma, atravessar as polaridades

A invenção da modernidade talvez seja um dos mais bárbaros/sofisticados acontecimentos da experiência humana no que chamamos Terra. É sempre pertinente perceber como na maioria das colônias (falo a partir da minha experiência no Brasil/América Latina) foi construído um sentimento de auto-inferioridade e impotência diante de uma cultura ‘maior/melhor’, ‘erudita’, oficial. No Rio de Janeiro […]

Life, death and agency under (neo)colonial capitalist machine

In Aníbal Quijano’s surgical analysis on the “coloniality of power” and its implications for the construction of the idea of race within a Eurocentric view, the author claims that racial differentiation arises intersected with hierarchical structures of production and labor division under capitalism, as well as determinant for the social and cultural relations in the […]

Ongoing colonialities of power

Achille Mbembe and Aníbal Quijano both interrogate the power structures that exist at the foundations of the modern nation-state. Mbembe challenges what he names the “normative theories of democracy” (), turning instead to the exercise of sovereignty as a practice of the “generalized instrumentalization of human existence and the material destruction of human bodies and […]

Variações do mito de origem do teatro fórum: a “senhora corpulenta” / Variations of the myth of origin of the theater forum: the “corpulent lady”

Variações do mito de origem do teatro fórum: a “senhora corpulenta”  / Variations of the myth of origin of the theater forum: the “corpulent lady” #teatrodooprimido #theatreoftheopressed #augustoboal    

18. “to think clearly–that is, dangerously”

For this response I would like to consider the following quotation: “In other words, the essential thing here is to see clearly, to think clearly–that is, dangerously–and to answer clearly the innocent first question: what fundamentally is colonization?” (). We’ve read that Augusto Boal, who actualized and embodied Freire’s pedagogy in his “Theatre of the Oppressed”, […]

Educational context and language impossibility

If we considering the relevance of the Thiong’o proposal of language as ” (Thiong’o, 439), the international educational context to turns out to be paradoxical.  The language as a reflection of how we experienced the world, situate our self from a unique perspective and therefore built a gap that seems difficult the shorten, between individuals […]


I’m interested in the contiguity of these texts. There’s a degree to which the dialogism between Freire and Boal is readily given to us—Boal’s book, following Freire’s, deviates in title by a single word: “pedagogy” becomes “theatre.” And what better way to practice the pedagogy of the oppressed than to perform it theatrically? Freire writes […]