Da equação eu parte do Cosmos ao axioma Cosmos parte do eu

“Nunca fomos catequizados”, afirma Oswald de Andrade em seu Manifesto Antropofágico para reclamar, desde um ponto de vista “tupiniquim”, uma epistemologia antropofágica capaz de resistir à colonização do pensamento pelo invasor ocidental. Não se trata de uma volta à um princípio “puro” e “intocado” de um passado pré-portugueses e espanhóis (e holandeses e franceses, até […]

Marielle, Presente!

When we gathered around the streets of Rio de Janeiro after the execution of black, lesbian councilor Marielle Franco, we hopelessly shouted “Marielle, Presente!” multiple times. Marielle and her driver were shot dead on 14 March, in a targeted assassination which unleashed a wave of anger across Brazil, and provoked urgent debate on the country’s racism, violence and […]

Breaking the pact: epistemologies, history, and modernity

This week’s readings played a debate on the hegemonic epistemologies of forgetfulness and denial. Western colonial capitalism modes of producing knowledge have disenchanted and disregarded the indigenous and colonized ancestral culture, turning a “vast experience into merely things and commodities” (Intzín, pg 11). In search of emancipatory transformations in the world, the authors approach from […]

Life, death and agency under (neo)colonial capitalist machine

In Aníbal Quijano’s surgical analysis on the “coloniality of power” and its implications for the construction of the idea of race within a Eurocentric view, the author claims that racial differentiation arises intersected with hierarchical structures of production and labor division under capitalism, as well as determinant for the social and cultural relations in the […]

In societies whose power structure leads to the domain of consciousness, the dominant pedagogy is the pedagogy of the ruling classes. The methods of oppression will never serve the freedom of the oppressed, thus the oppressed needs to learn and claim their own words in order to decode oppression and build another social and political reality.

Este parece ser o principal argumento nas obras de Paulo Freire, Augusto Boal, Aimé Césaire e Ngugi wa Thiong’o. Em diferentes contextos, os autores reivindicam condições para que os sujeitos oprimidos e colonizados descubram-se reflexivamente, conquistando-se como sujeitos de seu próprio destino histórico e aprendendo a ser o autor e o testemunho de sua própria […]