Re-learning How to Learn, and American Problem?

First Idea: In the introduction to The New Education we read “In the last decade, it has become fashionable to say higher education would be more efficient and modern if were run as a business, treating students as “customers.” (pos. 230). The author accurately presents some of the historical roots of the “buisinefication” of higher […]

The Question of Present(E) Form

“Presente”, to be present, in the present, a wrinkle that merges time and space together, to be present, a call for embodiment and attention to our surroundings, an interpellation of the environment …. shouting to us: “stop… and listen”. Reading Diana Taylor’s text “Presente” is especially relevant in the progression of our class, the text […]

Writing Papers, An “Epistemicide”?

My working group for this class has been reflecting on different ideas and doings dealing with constructive ways to think “epistemologies” and “alternative pedagogies”. In those discussions the paradox of bringing forward the limitations of western academic while being imbedded in the system of an American private university, was central. We kept thinking, what’s the […]

Protocols of Translation: Re-thinking the Languages of the “Oppressed”

“…So we learnt the music of our languages on top of the content” writes Ngugi wa Thiong’o about the oral heritage and the importance of storytelling in Kenya. I perceived the echo of this voice, that craves moments of creative co-operation, in the frustrations of young Freire trying to grasp the shortsighted methodologies of still […]