A Una Epistemología ética (Susana)

  “How can the exclusive, ethnocentric “we” be articulated with the inclusive “we”—a homeland for everyone—that envisions decolonization?” (Cusicanqui, 97) Sylvia Rivera Cusicanqui, in this question on how to be inclusive in decolonizing movements, brings forth her salient argument on how to practice indigenous hybridity in the colonizing hegemonic order in her writing of “Chi’ixianakax […]

Writing Papers, An “Epistemicide”?

My working group for this class has been reflecting on different ideas and doings dealing with constructive ways to think “epistemologies” and “alternative pedagogies”. In those discussions the paradox of bringing forward the limitations of western academic while being imbedded in the system of an American private university, was central. We kept thinking, what’s the […]

whose footprints are on the American constitution?

As I begin reading Achille Mbembe’s Necropolitics, I stop after reading the Lamba proverb from Zambia he uses to begin the essay: “Wa syo’ lukasa pebwe Umwime wa pita” I make an anatomical link with the essay by Aníbal Quijano’s essay, Coloniality of Power, Eurocentricism, and Latin America and I remember the two most powerful […]