The Science of Love

“Affective, Love. Speculative, Science.” (The Cannibalist Manifesto, Oswald de Andrade) The poetry of these lines toward the end of the Cannibalist Manifesto identifies a major binary in the process of colonization, and our understanding of it. The creation of religious constructs of speculative societal judgement and allopathic sciences in occidental modernity causes colonialism to enter into […]

“Affective, Love. Speculative, Science.” (The Cannibalist Manifesto, Oswald de Andrade) The poetry of these lines toward the end of the Cannibalist Manifesto identifies a major binary in the process of colonization, and our understanding of it. The creation of religious speculative judgement and sciences in modernity cause colonialism to enter into the psychology of the colonized […]

We Education

What are we going to do as students in the high prestige departments of Masters and Doctorate education in NYU to systematically change a high powered global institution from within, and how then will we share this with other universities in the United States, and ones imitating the US higher education system globally? For my […]

A Una Epistemología ética (Susana)

  “How can the exclusive, ethnocentric “we” be articulated with the inclusive “we”—a homeland for everyone—that envisions decolonization?” (Cusicanqui, 97) Sylvia Rivera Cusicanqui, in this question on how to be inclusive in decolonizing movements, brings forth her salient argument on how to practice indigenous hybridity in the colonizing hegemonic order in her writing of “Chi’ixianakax […]

post to note that my algorithm started glitching

when i began writing in spanish without using a coded translator here. meaning, my typing of spanish randomly in an english algorithm slowed the speed and even ability to type majorly! just wanted to add this note to show how serious our readings on epistemology are here. because of western knowledges now being coded into […]

whose footprints are on the American constitution?

As I begin reading Achille Mbembe’s Necropolitics, I stop after reading the Lamba proverb from Zambia he uses to begin the essay: “Wa syo’ lukasa pebwe Umwime wa pita” I make an anatomical link with the essay by Aníbal Quijano’s essay, Coloniality of Power, Eurocentricism, and Latin America and I remember the two most powerful […]

blogging of the oppressed , by Mira mother of judah

“teatro do oprimido pdf”  on google said Ricardo, when I asked him where to find original un-translated copies of the two authors we had assigned for Monday. “do?” “yes, do” I don’t speak Portuguese yet, but in my practice of learning language to make clear what translation blurs and erases in academia, the Universe is […]