Garbage Politics

Diana Taylor argues that “Capitalism has desecrated matter and destroyed the material supports for human life…We are in the land of the production of death” (10). Through a walking through the performance of Bom Retiro 958 metros by Teatro da Vertigem, Taylor observes how the capitalist system consumes us and then spits us out– as commodity, as consumer, as […]


Susan Leigh Foster examines this paradox, asserting that deeper awareness of one’s own movements––logically, an intensely interospective and therefore private ‘lived experience’ of one’s own body––actually allows access to understanding how another moving body might feel, a body that is external yet at the same time continuous with the subject…Kinesthesia, in short, implies an intimacy with […]

“Discovery” in the 21st Century Although the above hit the news cycles around a month ago, it has been in the back of my mind since the start of class. It seems as if the trope of “discovery” as spectacle is alive and well– and here there is not only an exoticization of these “uncontacted tribes” but an acknowledgment […]

Ongoing colonialities of power

Achille Mbembe and Aníbal Quijano both interrogate the power structures that exist at the foundations of the modern nation-state. Mbembe challenges what he names the “normative theories of democracy” (), turning instead to the exercise of sovereignty as a practice of the “generalized instrumentalization of human existence and the material destruction of human bodies and […]

Pedagogies/Practices: Keywords and an Alternative Praxis

Awareness and demystification, contextualization and translation, dialogue and communication, community and organization, action and transformation, reflection… These are some of the keywords proposed by this week’s readings, which work towards establishing an alternative pedagogical practice, a praxis, that is built upon mutual understanding and support, a sense of “being with.” Aimé Césaire posits that we […]