Subsistence. Knowledge. Cannibalism.

During the performance Bom Retiro 958 metros, Diana Taylor convey a recurrent sensation of estrangement. It seemed an experience of confusion, astonishment, and bewilderment which forced her to stay present, in the active practice of observing. It seems that no previous knowledge could be pertinent to guide her experience; “It’s hard to gauge what matters […]

Education as a public good

As an international student “The New Education” it makes me confront myself under many ethical questions and consideration. What led me to pursue a degree at a U.S University? I would not hesitate to state that the prestige and reputation in their programs and faculty that seemed me attractive. But how much of that expectative […]

Embodied Epistemology

The genocide understood as the systematic elimination of the bodies of the colonized people, brought with it the epistemicide proposed by Boaventura de Sousa Santos (92) consolidating by this the hegemonic of the Eurocentric Epistemology in the South Globe. The demand for the (Mignolo, 451) require disarticulated the notion of Totality imposed by the Western. In […]

El exceso como forma de resistencia

En tiempo pre-coloniales la producción de bienes simbólicos y comerciales respondía a un principio de intercambio y reciprocidad en una trama circulatoria de energía viva. La lógica tributaria era respondida con una afirmación como miembros (Rivera Cusicanqui, 9). Esta heterogeneidad es posteriormente eliminada desde la perspectiva de la modernidad eurocentrismo reduciendo la “Otredad”, como sugiere […]

Educational context and language impossibility

If we considering the relevance of the Thiong’o proposal of language as ” (Thiong’o, 439), the international educational context to turns out to be paradoxical.  The language as a reflection of how we experienced the world, situate our self from a unique perspective and therefore built a gap that seems difficult the shorten, between individuals […]